Wednesday, November 2, 2016

OCD Takes a Back Seat here I am at day #2 of my thirty-day efforts at blogging. As you may have noticed, I am already a day behind, as I just posted my first entry this morning. Big plans don't always work for me.

Which, I guess, is where I will start with my journey.

I have come to realize that I have very high expectations - of myself and those around me. I'm a little OCD when it comes to certain things in my life...okay, maybe a lot. Yes, definitely a lot!

With that in mind, I am in no way a neat/clean freak. As a matter of fact, my house is usually in total disarray. I know, this seems completely contradictory. I am not OCD in all areas of my life - just some.

For example, I have a color-coded, desk-sized calendar on the side of my fridge. Each month, the kids choose their color and we put down every practice, game, party, etc on the calendar. To take this a step further, they are not allowed to add anything to the calendar UNLESS it is their specific color, and honestly, I'd prefer to write it in myself so that the handwriting is all the same. Crazy, I know. But having all of their activities listed really helps me stay in control of who needs to be where and when. When my boyfriend first moved in with us, he used to laugh at the calendar. Now, even he has his own color!

Another one of my OCD tendencies is how I fold my towels. And, not only how they are folded, but the way they get put away. On the rare occasion that my kids do laundry, I find myself going behind them and refolding the towels. Back at the beginning of my marriage - a lifetime ago, all of our towels were the same color, so it didn't much matter to me how they were put away. But, three kids, a divorce and almost 20 years later, we have accumulated a wide assortment of towels. I can't help that I want them all folded the same way and put away by color. Really, it makes it easier when it comes time for laundry, because I will have a "load of dark towels" and a "load of white towels". Sounds logical, right?!?

The kitchen in my house is small. Actually, that's not 100% true. The kitchen itself is a decent size, but all of the appliances are crammed into one corner. My stove, sink, dishwasher and refrigerator are all in one little section of my kitchen. It's almost impossible to have two people cooking at once. No matter how messy the rest of my kitchen is, I can't do anything in the kitchen until that area is cleaned. Another one of my OCD tendencies.

I could probably go on for pages and pages with my OCD tendencies, but I'll leave it here for now. I do promise to follow up sometime this month with a few more of these, but I don't want to give them all away now!

In the meantime, I'll leave you with one final thought:

For almost 6 weeks, though, I have been unable to do laundry - or much of anything for that matter. After surgery on my foot resulted in major swelling, edema and a "locked" ankle, I have had to let go of many of my "controlling" tendencies. Although part of me is relieved that I am "off the hook" for many household chores, I'm being totally honest when I say that I can't wait to regain control of my laundry room and my kitchen!

What are some of your OCD tendencies?

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