Wednesday, November 9, 2016

This seems to be my motto lately...I am slowly but surely getting caught up on things, and I am slowly but surely starting to recover from my surgery. As a person who is used to being on the go most of the time, and a person who likes to "cross things off" a to-do list, this hasn't been easy!

One of the things I am learning, though, is that by taking things slowly, you really get to appreciate them more. Some days, I am multi-tasking so many different projects that I feel like I haven't really devoted enough attention or energy to any of them. Sure, I get to cross things off my list, but at the end of the day, I still feel unaccomplished. So, by being forced to take things slowly, I am learning that I can actually get more accomplished and feel better about it.

I am also, sadly, learning that the dirty dishes will still be in the sink when I get to them and that the pile of dirty laundry, which now has clean, folded laundry mixed in, will still be there as well. I'm not 100% OK with this, but I'm learning to accept it. While I usually pride myself on being organized and in control, I am learning to let go a little. There's always paper plates and take out for dinner, and as long as we all have clean socks and underwear, the rest of the laundry can wait.

Another great thing about having to take things slowly is that my kids are (sort of) learning a little more responsibility. I have always "micro-managed" their lives, and recently, I haven't been able to do that. So, they are learning that if they want a specific pair of pants clean for a certain day, they will need to get them in the washing machine. They are looking up recipes online and making new dinners. They are making grocery lists and going to the store for me. So guess what? When we are out of something, it's not MY fault! LOL

As I write this, I am realizing that this post gets me caught up with my "post a day" challenge for November. This pleases more thing to cross off my to-do list. However, I am still thinking in the back of my mind about the Mission Statement and Vision I need to write for work, and the 10 other things I want to get done today. So, with that being said, I am going to cross this off my list and FOCUS on one other thing for a bit. Trying to stay focused is a challenge for me, as there are so many things constantly running through my mind. But, today is the day that I will SLOWLY BUT SURELY get things accomplished!!

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